Monday 31 October 2011

SEO Services : Business SEO Australia
SEO Services: Business SEO Australia: Search Engine Optimization to help your business be found on Google, get more clients and improve your bottom line.
Business SEO: get noticed online, communicate with your market, get results. Contact us for more information

Business SEO Services Australia Business SEO Services Australia: Search Engine Optimization help your business be found on Google, get more clients and improve your bottom line. Business SEO: get noticed online, communicate with your market, get results. Contact us for more information

Saturday 29 October 2011

Iphone SEO: is the future going to be Siri SEO?

[caption id="attachment_58" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Does Siri on the iPhone herald our love affair with big brother?"]Siri on iPhone[/caption]

Siri on iPhone 4S shows how eagerly humanity embraces Big Brother

I'm enjoying playing around with my Siri on the new iPhone 4S. I was due for a new phone but I think it was probably the Siri Virtual Assistant on the iPhone which sold me on the new iPhone 4S.

Siri on the iPhone 4S video below

Now as excited I am about this new iPhone Siri virtual Assistant Feature, I can't help wondering whether this is how humanity will be enslaved by technology.

I mean, if someone MADE you have a device which observed your every thought and action, and sent it back to head office, we would be up in arms. We recoil at the idea, portrayed so well in 1984 by George Orwell, of Big Brother like observation.

If you haven't read 1984 check it out on wikipedia
The inhabitants of Oceania, particularly the party members, have no real privacy. Many of them live in apartments equipped with two-way telescreens, so that they may be watched or listened to at any time. Similar telescreens are found at workstations and in public places, along with hidden microphones. Written correspondence is routinely opened and read by the government before it is delivered. The Thought Police employ undercover agents, who pose as normal citizens and report any person with subversive tendencies. Children are encouraged to report suspicious persons to the government, and some even denounce their own parents.

This surveillance allows for effective control of the citizenry. The smallest sign of rebellion, even something so small as a facial expression, can result in immediate arrest and imprisonment. Thus, citizens (and particularly party members) are compelled to absolute obedience at all times.

Consumers lapping up iPhone and Siri

And yet we have people queuing up for the iPhone in their thousands and buying it in their millions. Now I know that Google and Facebook already know everything we do online, but I feel Siri is much more intimate and everpresent, and just so damn useful that it will infiltrate our lives much quicker. As these technologies mature and become more essential in our day to day lives, we become increasingly dependant on them

George Orwell wrote a dystopian fantasy which has often been eerily prophetic, but I think even he would be shocked at just how willingly humanity ultimately embraces big brother.

Now the thing which makes me most concerned about this transition isn't just the observation, its the way we change our language. Siri is just too useful to do without, and it really is amazingly good at understanding our commands, but we quickly accommodate to using a simpler language to communicate effectively. Old voice recognition services were very primitive compared to Siri, we had to spend hours "training" the computer to understand our voice. Siri picks this up remarkably quickly, but we need to keep the syntax simple and direct to prevent confusion. Once Siri understands us, it summarises our command in words which would fit well in the newspeak dictionary. Effectively Siri is training us in the language of tomorrow. It is even sending messages to our friends in this simplified language. It will be only natural for them to reply in a similar vocabulary (or their phone will reply for them).

As I said, I love these advances in technology, but it does make you think.

The next question? What does Siri on the iPhone mean for SEO?


Small Business SEO Services Australia

SEO Services are the new secret weapon for Australian Small Businesses

Small Business SEO Services can have a huge impact for Australian BusinessesAustralain Small Businesses are under growing pressure from competition from online shopping, megastores like Harvey Norman and Bunnings, and difficult economic conditions such as high interest rates, wage inflation and other challenges. Most small businesses have a website, yet most of them are unaware of how important it is to be highly visible on the internet through popular search engines like Google.
The rise in popularity of computers and smart phones means more people than ever are googling businesses for their location, reviews, prices and phone number. If your customers are finding your competitors rather than you, you've got a problem (but chances are you don't know about it).

Small Business SEO to the rescue

Small Business SEO Services can help your business be found online. How much would it help your company if you were getting dozens or hundreds of extra enquiries a month from customers who want, no NEED your services.
Small Business SEO Australia: Search Engine Optimization to help small businesses get found on Google = more customers = more profit.
The internet offers great opportunities for small businesses to stand out from their competition and even to trump larger companies and multinationals. Do you want the edge for your business online? Get your business in the race with Small Business SEO Services Australia

Friday 28 October 2011

Business SEO Services Australia

Search Engine Optimisation for your business (Business SEO)

Business SEO is critical to growing your business, as consumers are spending more time online they are increasingly completing the whole process of deciding to buy, researching the purchase, and even completing the purchase online. Having an impressive online presence and being found on the Internet are key to ensuring your business will still be operating in 5 years time.

Business SEO

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation?)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. -

Search Engine Optimisation is typically targeted at one specific website or product, but often employs back-links and articles or other media supporting websites and other online media such as videos, blogs and social media to help promote the target site. The use of these third party sites helps direct traffic to your site and also tells search engines that your site is relevant to the search term.

What is Business Search Engine Optimisation? (Business SEO)

Business Search Engine Optimisation is a strategy and process for improving your business's online visibility, including your own company website, but also across the entire internet, via third party websites such as local news sites, Google news, social media, video, blogs, press releases, business directories and many other websites.

When we are doing Business Search Engine Optimisation, we are still concerned with getting visitors to your website, but our focus is firmly on attracting new, qualified customers to your business. In Business SEO, a client who phones your business is often worth more than one who just views your website (though both are desirable)

Getting qualified buyers and other potential customers to contact your business involves multiple steps:

  • Firstly, the must need or want your product: in some industries these motivated buyers come pre-made, in others this requires substantial marketing activity

  • Secondly they must know about your company: if you have the brand recognition of Coke or BMW, this is easy, for the rest of us, Business SEO and other online and offline marketing can help

  • Thirdly, they need to find your business easily when searching online: this can be achieved through SEO, advertising and other online marketing.

  • Fourthly, the need to be convinced of your ability to meet their needs and desires: having a great product helps but sometimes there is a lot more to it.

  • Finally, they need to contact you or buy from you. We need to do more than just let buyers know about you, they need to take the next step to become a customer.

Business SEO concerns itself with all these steps, and the approach must be customised to the business and their market.

People often think of SEO as being separate from Social Media Marketing and other online marketing, but effective Business SEO MUST embrace all forms of online activity, especially social networking and social media, as these are by far the most active and enthusiastic areas of online activity, and are strongly weighted by search engines such as Google.

Similarly, growing numbers of people are spending more time on the internet using mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, rather than traditional computers. Business SEO means making sure your company's online presence is accessable and appealing via iPhones and other Internet enabled phones and tablets. This is especially important as consumers who are early adopters of technology like iPhones are more likely to buy other premium products and services and have higher education and disposable income levels than avarage: they are the customers you want! Unfortunately many business websites are built using technology like Adobe Flash which cannot be seen at all using an iphone or ipad. These fancy websites are also slow to load and largely invisible to search engines so can be very counterproductive to improving your online visibility.

When you want your business to stand out online, like being on the front page of Google's search results, contact Business SEO .



Thursday 27 October 2011

Small Business SEO Australia

Small Business Search Engine Optimization Services

Small Business SEO services offer a new and exciting opportunity for Australian companies to move ahead in the online world. Search engine optimization represents a fairly new business strategy, and as such it is one which yields great results to the early adopters who utilize it successfully and claim the early mover advantage.
Benefits of small business SEO services
Is your business on the front page of Google? Do you know how many hundreds, or even thousands of people are searching for your company's products or services online? Get a massive slice of the action by leveraging the power of search engine optimization to make your business stand out online. Small Business SEO Australia: Search Engine Optimization to help small businesses get found on Google = more customers = more profit. The internet offers great opportunities for small businesses to stand out from their competition and even to trump larger companies and multinationals. Do you want the edge for your business online? Get your business in the race with Small Business SEO Services Australia

The addition of of well-structured, search engine optimized websites in the promotion strategy of small companies is key to making those entities thrive, according to The web design firm announced it was stepping up its efforts to alert firms about the growing necessity for small business SEO concepts to be integrated into the development of the online portal representing their companies. Not only is this important for receiving targeted web traffic relevant to the business, it is also intregal to building the brand and position of the company in the modern market.

Small Business SEO an important emerging service

[caption id="attachment_78" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="SEO Services for Small Businesses"]Small Business SEO Services[/caption]
Small business SEO is a relatively new concept in business development, says the webmaster for, because it encompasses both the immediate issue of optimizing the company's website for Google ranking purposes, and also projecting the best professional image for the enterprise. "Set-up and design of a site should be geared both towards maximizing the way in which SEO can benefit your business, and addressing how the need for SEO is changing. Staying on top of both factors is crucial to competing in a world where having a strong web presence is no longer optional," says the webmaster.

The site is leading efforts to further orient firms on these concepts. The company uses of the web range from providing a kind of 'billboard' to advertise and promote itself online, to being an e-commerce platform that directly facilitates sales, to educating the reader about factors in products and services that make their business the preferred solution, and so on. Small business SEO is employed to generate more customers and to distinguish one business from the rest of the field in the delivery of its goods or service. At times these purposes complement each other, as the best way to establish that industry standing is often to create a site that uses SEO to produce the most traffic. expects the education process will have to proceed over several more years to show to companies that small business SEO will improve their bottom line more quickly and efficiently than it can as an offline entity. The presentation of success stories other small business clients have experienced using the site's SEO and web design services is one method it is employing to get the point across. Other examples it presents show the progressive improvement in a small business's domination of a market once it builds a strong web site.

For more information on small business SEO services CONTACT:

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Business SEO Australia

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services Australia

Search Engine Optimization Services to help your business be found on Google

Business Website Search Engine Optimization is critical to ensure your site is readily found via search engines like Google. If you've invested time and money in your business website, its critical its found by your customers and market.
A website without traffic is like a car without petrol: it might look good but it isn't completing its function.


What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization is the process of preparing your website so that it clearly communicates to websites and your readers what your business is all about, what you do, what your products and services are and what you can do for your readers. We also ensure your business is present and active on popular social networking and social media sites like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter and other influential web sites like Google News and web 2.0 sites.
What does this mean for your business? More eyeballs on your brand, and more opportunity to engage them and build a relationship. When you want your business found online, contact Business SEO Australia

Can I do SEO for my own business website?

Yes! If you currently run your own business website, its critical you have a basic understanding of Search Engine Optimization. However, if you are earning decent money in your main business, you will be best to employ a skilled and efficient SEO firm to help get you off to the right start. Learning the basics of SEO only takes a few weeks, but its a rapidly changing field requiring constant study and engagement to keep up with current search engine algorithm changes.

Do I need a new website to benefit from SEO?

Not necessarily, the SEO on your current website can be improved dramatically, and it should be. However, to get optimal SEO results (Remember we are doing Search Engine Optimization) you will get much better results with less cost, time and effort changing to a website which naturally supports optimal SEO design. You can read more about SEO at wikipedia here

But I already Have a web design/computer guy/marketing company doing SEO on my site...

And how is that working out for you? Is your site ranking on the first page of Google for the main search terms in your industry?

Lets get serious: Web designers are designers, they are like graphic designers who can code. And some of them are incredibly talented.
Web Design is Not SEO

"Computer guys" can be totally brilliant at things like networking, hardware management, and heaps of other areas which most of us simply cannot fathom: this is highly technical (and lets face it usually boring) work.
Computer guys are not SEO guys

Marketing Companies have fantastic skills in branding, image management, marketing etc etc. But you guessed it
Marketing is not SEO either

Search Engine Optimization is a very specialised field: it draws heavily on other areas of expertise like web design, marketing, social media management, copywriting, and much more (and we employ experts to do these things for us)

When you want top SEO results for your business: speak to the experts.

Business SEO Australia are a Queensland based company who focus on delivering great SEO results and ensuring your online media delivers business benefits. When you need SEO Services for local businesses or your new startup or online business, they have the skills, experience and expertise to guide you in your online marketing, web design and social media activity from a tightly focussed SEO perspective which will ensure great results in search engines.

[caption id="attachment_51" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="SEO Services Australia"]Business SEO[/caption]